
“Spirit’s Jazztime Jet-a-Nator”

Spirit’s Jazztime Jet-a-Nator is a beautiful black dog out of a yellow male and a chocolate female. Breeding her to our chocolate male Ridge will provide her puppies with a very deep genetic DNA pool. Her birthdate is October 6, 2024 so, as of this writing, she is still a puppy. When she is approximately a year old we will have her hips and elbows checked via “Penn Hip.” Penn Hip is more accurate than OFA and provides a more clear understanding of her hips and elbows. She has a lot of energy and has a very broad chest and blocky head. She already has a love of retrieving. That desire, and her pedigree, indicate that she will have an excellent nose and will produce fine hunting dogs. Her puppies will make outstanding family pets and house dogs. They will be excellent companions for active families and won’t be couch potatoes by any means. Jet is clear of EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse) and CNM (Canine Neuromyopathy) via parentage.



