“Spirit’s Spicy Nutmeg”
Spirit’s Spicy Nutmeg is a deep chocolate female Labrador retriever female. She is approximately 75 lbs. She has whelped numerous litters and, with Digger as the stud, has proven to have absolutely outstanding puppies. Her pups grow up to have blocky heads and powerful builds. They have been in high demand. She has great retrieving instincts and yet is quite laid-back. Although getting older, she is still very athletic. She is free of CNM (Canine Neurromyopathy) and EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse) by parentage. He parents both have good or excellent hips and Meg’s hips are rated as good. Meg has been spayed and is no longer able to have puppies. She is retired here at our home and spends her time visiting with people and just being happy.